Hosting an “Unplugged” Wedding Event

Wedding PortraitEvery wedding event is different. Our role as photographers is to capture images that tell the story of your wedding event . . . whatever it is like. We attempt to be behind the scenes as much as possible. Of course when it comes time for group poses we are quite visible guiding and directing. Over the last ten years a visible trend in wedding events has developed that has changed the atmosphere and experience for wedding photographers. We are referring to the ever present smartphone or tablet “photographers” and “amateur photographers” who have purchased a digital camera.  Each wedding event usually comes with an army of these well intentioned individuals who end up interfering with the service the paid photographer is trying to provide for the host.

Wedding PortraitIn a culture that has become self-focused, many people come to weddings not to observe a solemn ceremony, but to entertain themselves and even rudely make themselves the center of attention. Horror stories are all over the internet from professional photographers who find it harder and harder to capture great images because a guest obtrusively stood in the way in order to take a picture and be the first to upload it to a social media site. There are reports of people jumping out into the aisle when the bride enters the church sanctuary or when the newly weds begin to leave the altar. Many other unthinkable scenarios occur each week.

Wedding PortraitOur challenge to you is to think about the kind of wedding event you want to have and to let your guests know in advance what you expect of them when they come. For instance, do you want a picture in your wedding album of a person in the aisle between the camera and you? When you turn to face the audience, as husband and wife, do you want to see your friends’ smiling faces? Or do you want to see a wall of smartphones and tablets as your guests try to capture the moment? Do you want flashes from your guests’ devices ruining your photographer’s images of your posed groups? Each image on this page could have been ruined in this way . . . every possible image you can imagine in your album can also be ruined in this way.

Wedding PortraitWhen you hire us we will capture the best images we can of your wedding event . . . with or without all of the guests’ devices. If you want the best album of images we can provide, consider hosting an “Unplugged Wedding” where you inform your guests (before the wedding and just before the ceremony) to be respectful, to not interfere with the photographer you have hired, to cut their phones and devices off during the ceremony, and simply enjoy the experience. Ask them to trust your judgement in hiring the professional you chose to get the best images of the moment.

We hope you have the wedding of your dreams and that your professional photographer captures memories of your event that will be treasured throughout your life. Communicate with your photographer about your expectations. Ask what you can do to make photographing easier. Try to keep the finished album in perspective as you plan because after all the food is gone and the reception party is over, it is your wedding photographer’s images that will  last.


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